『壹』 欧冠集锦背景音乐 阿森纳对贝西克塔斯

Crowd Chant

『贰』 欧冠赛事集锦哪儿能看


『叁』 上周欧冠的视频集锦谁有


『肆』 这是欧冠决赛集锦的视频,求背景音乐的名字

Kelly Clarkson: Before Your Love
Title:Before Your Love

(Verse 1)
I wonder how I ever made it through a day
How did I settle for a world in shades of gray
When you go in circles all the scenery looks the same
And you don't know why and I looked into your eyes
Where the world stretched out in front of me and I realized
I never lived before your love
I never felt before your touch
I never needed anyone to make me feel alive
But then again, I wasn't really living
I never lived, before your love
(Verse 2)
I wanted more than just an ordinary life
All of my dreams seemed like castles in the sky
I stand before you and my heart is in your hands
And I don't know how I survived without your kiss
'Cause you've given me a reason to exist
And I don't know why
Why the sun decides to shine
But you breathed your love into me just in time

『伍』 国米夺冠后央视欧冠集锦!!!


『陆』 新浪网《欧冠历届决赛集锦》视频里的主题曲是什么

enigma 乐队的 the return to innocence

『柒』 腾讯视频昨天欧冠全场集锦的背景音乐叫什么


『捌』 腾讯视频13/14欧冠决赛全场集锦背景音乐叫什么

electric romeo -immediate music
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