Ⅰ 篮球赛事评论怎么写




Ⅱ 篮球从手感,外形重量等方面看,怎么样才算是好球,好评哦亲

篮球应该有多重,不能轻与567克不能重于650克 这是标准。
篮球应该有多大,篮球的周长 74.9厘米-78.0厘米。

另外要手感好 不要买太轻的,不好打.如果是新手的话,最好买稍微重一点的篮球~~~价钱嘛~~~依照你的经济情况来定麻~
皮质 最好斯伯丁牌子的篮球




















Ⅲ 如何写"关于篮球比赛的评论"(急需三四百字)谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

通过这次篮球比赛让我知道了团队合作的重要性这次篮球比赛促进了我们同学间的交流!加强了我们同学间的默契提高了同学间的友谊 很多很 然后就是夸领导比如就是在什么什么领导的大力支持下.成功举办了这次篮球比赛

Ⅳ 好听点的篮球队名 有好评

如:“风火篮球队、Air ball、天火队、秆无队、钱木队、战狼队等”

Ⅳ 简短的评价篮球运动


Ⅵ 求篮球的英文评论(总体类似文化高度的)谢了

Deciding to play Basketball changed my life dramatically. I had never played a team sport before. Just working on the basics with my Dad helped me know where to focus my time. Playing this sport with him helped us to become closer. Before we started to practice together, we never really talked. He went to work early in the morning, and he came home late at night. I didn’t get to see him as often as I would have liked. By playing Basketball together, I got to spend more time with him, and he had something to do besides work. Playing Basketball from childhood up through high school will help you succeed in life.

Playing Basketball is a way to exercise, and to have fun doing it. Exercising is important in today’s society. I wouldn’t want to think that people might judge you on your first appearance, but they do. If you have a rounded stomach, and your legs have a jiggle when you move, then they might think that you are too lazy to exercise, or they might think that you just don’t care about your appearance. By playing Basketball, you can tone up your thighs and turn that round stomach into a washboard. Also, by playing Basketball you tend to crave slightly healthier food then what you might normally. I know I would rather have a small can of juicy, tart Mandarin Oranges than a fat and sugar filled Snickers bar. I am also more likely to get the nutrients I need from eating healthy, because I know if I drink a can of bubbly Mountain Dew at lunch time, I’m going to feel the decline from the sugar and caffeine by the time practice rolls around. Just by playing Basketball could create a life style change.

Playing Basketball can keep kids off the streets. The school that you would play for would enforce a contract for all of the student-athletes. This contract would enforce the no drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes to be used ring the season, or the risk of being kicked off the team. By signing this contract the student-athlete has less risk of experimenting or getting addicted to these drugs. Also, most teams enforce a curfew. This curfew would keep kids off of the streets and out of trouble with the law. By playing Basketball, you don’t give yourself as many opportunities to make the wrong decision. Basketball gives people many opportunities to succeed. Statistics show that playing a sport raises your GPA. It also pushes these student-athletes to succeed in the classroom, because in the contract there is a passing rule. You have to pass all of your required classes to be able to play. The coach would check your grades, to make sure that you were passing, and if you weren’t he would make it so you were passing, by getting you a tutor or talking the teacher into giving you more help. Playing Basketball also opens up the opportunity to get a college scholarship to play Basketball. By getting this, you might be able to get into college for free. If you wouldn’t have been able to afford to pay for secondary ecation, than this would be an excellent option, if you were talented enough. Basketball can give you many opportunities to do well mentally.

How can Basketball help you socially? Basketball can give you many ways to meet new people. I made friends with a girl named Brooke, when I played AAU Basketball. I wouldn’t have met her if I didn’t play basketball. Another good friend I made was Becky O’Brien. She was from Greely. We’re still friends, and we write to each other all of the time. We met at a Basketball camp in Casco, Maine. By playing this sport, it can raise your confidence, because of the support you get from your teammates. When you play Basketball, you can travel to other countries to play, or you can play in the national championship. By playing in these tournaments, colleges can see you play, and the atmosphere is so much different than school Basketball. To get into one of these leagues, you have to tryout for a team, which will place in their state tournament. These leagues are called YBOA (Youth Basketball of America), or AAU (Amateur Athletic Union). I’ve played in both of these leagues, and they are both very competitive. Basketball can and will improve your ability to socialize.

Basketball can teach you many life lessons. It will teach you how to be competitive. This is important, because in the outside world, there are other people who want the same job as you, the same house as you, or the same boyfriend as you. By playing Basketball, you can learn to accept losing. It’s a given that your going to lose sometime. You may feel really bad about it, or you may keep going. By learning to keep going, you learn how to succeed in the real world.

Ⅶ 怎样写好篮球评论


Ⅷ 篮球评论怎么写

先说说第一个吧 典型的NBA流浪汉型 打短工 虽然有过爆发的时刻 但是这种短期爆发的人在NBA太多了 后来去欧洲打球了。。。 NBA毕竟不是每个球员都能混的很好的 竞争太激烈了 欧洲薪水高啊(当然是对他来说)

泰勒是火箭当年的野兽大前锋 篮板能力不错 但是就和火箭曾经拥有过的后来不幸车祸去世的格里芬一样 天赋异禀 却是很容易惹事的人 毒品 夜总会斗殴 酒后驾车 。。。不能将注意力集中在篮球上 在火箭有过一段时间的不错成绩 后来 跟SF3一起转会到魔术 后来混迹于国王 骑士 等等等等 他说终极目标是带领火箭队。。。。这些都是大话 他没有那个能力 黑人球员都是很自信的

Ⅸ 篮球怎么样好吗评价一下

乔丹之所以伟大,不是因为他一场比赛能得多少分,也不是因为他有多少个戒指,而是 年来他一直把自己保持在一个极高的竞技状态,早期他的对手是托马斯、约翰逊、伯德,巅峰时的对手是哈达威、巴克利、奥拉朱旺、马龙,在职业生涯末期更有科比、小艾、卡特、麦迪这些小辈的冲击,可以说乔丹一直都没倒下,他一直站在联盟的最顶端,微笑的俯身观看那些不断追赶他的人们。所以,乔丹是伟大的···而科比也在做着跟乔丹相同的事:在解决了小艾、卡特、麦迪后,他又迎来了联盟新势力的挑战,詹姆斯、韦德、安东尼、罗伊,无一不对联盟第一人宝座虎视眈眈

Ⅹ 对于中国篮球,你有哪一些评价
