A. 中学生做操的好处
教学目标:让学生了解做操的好处,逐步养成认真做操的好习惯。 教学重点、难点:使学生明确做操能使身体全面发展,健康和健美。 教学方法:讲解法、提问法 教学过程: 一、上课式:常规(略) 二、讲解做操的好处 1、什么是广播体操 提问:同学们,你们知道什么是广播体操吗?(让同学们发表自己的看法)然后讲:我们每天看到的我们学校的大同学和我们在幼儿园做的操,就是广播体操的一种,广播体操就是将成套的徒手体操配上音乐,通过广播统一指挥的一种体操,它可分为“广播体操”(成人、青年人为对象),“少年广播体操”,“儿童广播体操”三种。 2、做操的好处 我们每天做的广播体操是根据生理特点选编的,它动作优美、大方、乐曲快乐、健康、深受大家喜爱。那么你知道做操有什么好处吗?下面我们来研究这一问题。 (1) 做操能促进身体机能发展,有利于健康。 做操锻炼,可促进新陈代谢,提高心血管和呼吸系统等内脏器官功能,有利于身体生长发育和增进健康(2)做操能全面锻炼身体,有利于形成健美体形。 同学们正处在长身体的时期,经常做操,可使身体各部位的肌肉、关节和韧带得到锻炼,使人精神振奋,同时可以防止肩部前收和驼背以及脊柱弯曲等不良姿态,有利于健康成长,体态健美。 (2) 坚持锻炼,有利于养成锻炼习惯, 大家每天都要做操,上操最重要的是坚持,无论严冬酷暑都要认真做操,这样能够锻炼意志,久而久之,就能养成锻炼的习惯。 经过我们的分析,大家就会明白,凡是认真做操,都会得到好处,因此老师希望大家每天都做操,同时老师还要给同学们提出二点要求,希望大家都能做到。 ①做操认真,姿势正确。 ②坚持经常,天天做操。
B. 为了加强学生身体素质,我校正在开展我锻炼,我健康,我快乐的大课间活动。此次活动主要有课间操,徒手操
One sunny afternoon, the school's playground rang with ba la ba la dance beautiful melody. Look, see students wearing white uniforms, to be a neat square, was with the beautiful music, cheerful drums dancing, this is the third grade next lesson hold the scene of the game.
School has carried on the reform to the lesson hold as early as two years ago, from the previous and other schools do a radio gymnastics into dance students ba la ba la. Ba la ba la dance is a kind of dance originated in Japan, beautiful gesture meant to express the leaves float down.
Dance is given priority to with hand movements, dance is a kind of freedom is very big. This dance is suitable for the students of our age. Half a month ago, the teacher told us that in order to improve the quality of the lesson hold, the school decided to hold a ba la ba la dance competition of each grade. After hearing the news, the classmates each fight, ready to win the first grade, in order to achieve this goal, the students practiced in much every spare time.
I remember one day in the afternoon, the sun, we still as usual practice of dancing in the playground, the weather like this, even when you're standing motionless in the hot sun will sweat, let alone keep dancing in the hot sun. The classmates all be tan kubla khah dripping wet, but all without complaint.
Finally, exciting moment arrived, see the classmates each spirit, out of the left hand held up and down with ease, and stretched out his right hand to do the same action, on your feet and kept shaking. Students face flushed bright red, everyone is so involved in, is also very serious.
Occasional students may be because of too nervous, do wrong action, slow dancing steps down, it brings class team of neat interference. We are all in the mind secretly pray, hope that the judges the teacher does not see, but it was of no help. As a result, our class in order to narrow the gap in second place.
Although the game failed to get the first place in our class, however, through this game, I found that each student in the class are very love our class, is also very concerned about the honor of our class. With this spirit, I believe that in the next game, we can get the first.
C. 小学生想出操就出操,不想出操就不出操,能行吗
D. 中小学生都做什么操
你好。朋友 当然是第八套广播体操了
E. 上课前给学生做下身体放松操,缓解下疲劳,怎么做
F. 学生每天做广播体操真的能起到锻炼的作用吗
G. 校园“两操”对学生的身体健康有好处吗
H. 为什么学生要做广播体操.
我感觉没什么用,大家做体操只是为了应付,还不如取消了算了 还浪费大家时间,大家说是吧~~~!
I. 中小学学生集体操
J. 小学生健身操七分钟
1、运动认知目内标:认识感知健美容操所具有的美感和运动价值 。
参与相结合的能力,培养良好的身体姿态。 3、心理健康目标:情感目标:通过新颖、时尚教学的内容、对学生语言的鼓励等形式,体验