
Football is the name given to a number of different, but related, team sports. The most popular of these worldwide (and by far the most popular sport worldwide) is association football, which can be abbreviated soccer. The English language word football is also applied to rugby football (rugby union and rugby league), North American football (American and Canadian), Australian rules football, and Gaelic football.

Some of the many different codes of football.While it is widely believed that the word football originated in reference to the action of a foot kicking a ball, there is a rival explanation, which has it that football originally referred to a variety of games in medieval Europe, which were played on foot.[1] These games were usually played by peasants, as opposed to the horse-riding sports often played by aristocrats. While there is no conclusive evidence for this explanation, the word football has always implied a variety of games played on foot, not just those that involved kicking a ball. In some cases, the word football has been applied to games which have specifically outlawed kicking the ball. (See football (word) for more details.)

All football games involve scoring with a spherical or prolate spheroid ball (itself called a football), by moving the ball into, onto, or over a goal area or line defended by the opposing team. Many of the modern games have their origins in England, but many peoples around the world have played games which involved kicking and/or carrying a ball since ancient times.

The object of all football games is to advance the ball by kicking, running with, or passing and catching, either to the opponent's end of the field where points or goals can be scored by, depending on the game, putting the ball across the goal line between posts and under a crossbar, putting the ball between upright posts (and possibly over a crossbar), or advancing the ball across the opponent's goal line while maintaining possession of the ball.

In all football games, the winning team is the one that has the most points or goals when a specified length of time has elapsed.

For the history of only Association Football, see History of football (soccer)

Throughout the history of mankind the urge to kick at stones and other such objects is thought to have led to many early activities involving kicking and/or running with a ball. Football-like games predate recorded history in all parts of the world, and thus the earliest forms of football are not known.

Ancient games
Documented evidence of what is possibly the oldest organized activity resembling football can be found in a Chinese military manual written ring the Han Dynasty in about 2nd century BC.

It describes a practice known as cuju (Traditional Chinese: 蹴鞠; Simplified Chinese: 蹴踘; Pinyin: cù jū) which involved kicking a leather ball through a hole in a piece of silk cloth strung between two 30 foot poles. Another Asian ball-kicking game, which may have been influenced by cuju, is kemari. This is known to have been played within the Japanese imperial court in Kyoto from about 600 AD. In kemari several indivials stand in a circle and kick a ball to each other, trying not to let the ball drop to the ground (much like keepie uppie). The game survived through many years but appears to have died out sometime before the mid 19th century. In 1903 in a bid to restore ancient traditions the game was revived and it can now be seen played for the benefit of tourists at a number of festivals.

Mesoamerican ballgames played with rubber balls are also well-documented as existing since before this time, and are thought to have resembled football in their earlier versions; but since later versions have more similarities to basketball or volleyball, and since their influence on modern football games is minimal, most do not class them as football.

The Greeks and Romans are known to have played many ball games some of which involved the use of the feet. The Roman writer Cicero describes the case of a man who was killed whilst having a shave when a ball was kicked into a barbers shop. The Roman game of Harpastum is believed to have been adapted from a team game known as "επισκυρος" (episkyros) or pheninda that is mentioned by Greek playwright, Antiphanes (388-311BC) and later referred to by Clement of Alexandria. The game appears to have vaguely resembled rugby.

There are a number of less well-documented references to prehistoric, ancient or traditional ball games, played by indigenous peoples all around the world. For example, William Strachey of the Jamestown settlement is the first to record a game played by the Native Americans called Pahsaheman, in 1610. In Victoria, Australia, Indigenous Australians played a game called Marn Grook. An 1878 book by Robert Brough-Smyth, The Aborigines of Victoria, quotes a man called Richard Thomas as saying, in about 1841, that he had witnessed Aboriginal people playing the game: "Mr Thomas describes how the foremost player will drop kick a ball made from the skin of a possum and how other players leap into the air in order to catch it." It is widely believed that Marn Grook had an influence on the development of Australian rules football (see below). In northern Canada and/or Alaska, the Inuit (Eskimos) played a game on ice called Aqsaqtuk. Each match began with two teams facing each other in parallel lines, before attempting to kick the ball through each other team's line and then at a goal.

These games and others may well go far back into antiquity and have influenced football over the centuries. However, the route towards the development of modern football games appears to lie in Western Europe and particularly England.

㈡ 求助:几个足球比赛术语的英文翻译

世界足球先生 = Mr Football (Soccer) in the World
世界足球小姐 Miss Football (Soccer) in the World
亚洲足球小姐 Miss Football (Soccer) in Asia

界外球 Outside ball
球门球 Goal line
前锋 forward (striker)
中场 midfield
后卫 back or full back

先发 first line up
替补 reserve

国歌 national anthem

㈢ 足球比赛双方比分1:0以后腰斩了怎么算mr

腰带了怎么算。。。属于工伤辞退啊、如果赢取了 价钱方面会满足对方。输了也一样会用金钱来满足对方。

㈣ 在足球中的位置里里这些都代表什么意思呀~~

【WG】Winger 边锋 比如:Giggs, Overmars
【CF】Centre Forward 中锋专 比如:Ronaldo, Batistuta
【ST】Shooter 射手
【SS】Second Strike,第二前锋,也就是影子前锋.
【SB】Side Back 边后卫 比如:Roberto Carlos, Cafu
【CB】Centre Back 中后卫 比如:Nesta, Rio Ferdinand
【SW】Sweeper 清道夫 比如:Baresi
【GK】Goal keeper 守门员 比如:Chilavert, Barthez,Casillas

特别 【WB】Wing Back 边锋 其实就是助攻型边后卫

㈤ mr.mr的成员资料

姓名 : Jin (韩文:진 日文:ジン)
本名 : 이현진(音译:李炫真)
职务 : Leader,Leader Vocal
生日 : 1988年03月15日
出生地 : 一山
身高 : 183cm
体重 : 68kg
血型 : A型
兴趣 : 上网, 听音乐, 足球
外号 : 沙漠狐狸
情综 : 小眼睛
理想型: 有性感的, 有魅力的女性
魅力点: 纤细的, 一见如故的好性格
其他:2008年在白马部队第九师以炮兵的身份入队服务,2010年满期退队的第三年预备军 姓名 : 道软 (韩文:도연 日文:ドヨン)
本名 : 권도연 (音译:权道软)
职务 : Vocal
生日 : 1991年05月30日
出生地 : 首尔
身高 : 180cm
体重 : 67kg
血型 : A 型
兴趣 : 运动, 听音乐, 看电影, 吉他
外号 : 小珍岛狗‘白狗’
情综 : 前额伤疤
理想型 : 我喜欢的女性
魅力点 : 眼睛 姓名 : 昌宰 (韩文:창재 日文:チャンジェ)
本名 : 이창재 (音译:李昌宰)
职务 : Vocal
生日 : 1991年11月29日
出生地 : 首尔
家族关系: 长子 (有一位妹妹)
身高 : 181cm
体重 : 69kg
血型 : A型
兴趣 : 篮球, 足球, 羽毛球, 滑雪板, 壁球, 游泳, 看电影, 听音乐, 空想
外号 : 斗剑士的小时候, 吉娃娃, 恐龙
情综 : 不对称的双眼
理想型 : 贤明的女性
魅力点 : 背, 肩膀 姓名 : Tey (韩文:태이日文:テイ)
本名 : 한지현 (音译:韩志炫)
职务 : Main Vocal
生日 : 1992年06月18日
出生地 : 安养
家族关系 : 次子 (有一位哥哥)
身高 : 181cm
体重 : 67 kg
血型 : O型
兴趣 : 看书, 写读后感, 看电影, 写歌词, 羽毛球, 骑自行车, 上网
外号 : 熊猫
情综 : 眼睛有点
理想型 : 我喜欢的女性
魅力点 : 嘴唇 姓名 : Ryu (韩文:류日文:リュ)
本名 : 오기택 (音译:吴基泽)
职务 : Leader Vocal
生日 : 1994年12月11日
出生地 : 首尔
家族关系 : 次子 (有一位哥哥)、父母离婚
身高 : 181cm
体重 : 63kg
血型 : O 型
学历 : 素砂高等学校
兴趣 : 唱歌, 看电影, 听音乐
外号 : 宅儿
情综 : 脖子有点, 小眼睛
理想型 : 贤淑的, 又玩将的女性
魅力点 : 好声音 Hon

㈥ 足球场上,一条4人的后防线(DL、DC、DC、DR)和一个ML、MR,这六个位置一般穿几号球衣


㈦ 足球位置的缩写看不懂,求高手解释

AMC -- 进攻型前腰 ; ML -- 左边前卫 ; MR -- 右边前卫 ; MC -- 中前卫 ; WBL/R -- 进攻型左/右边后卫专 ; CBL/R -- 左/右中后卫 ; DMC -- 防守型后属腰 ; DMR/L -- 防守型右/左中前卫 ; AMR/L -- 进攻型右/左前卫 ; WR/L -- 右/左后卫 ; ST -- 前锋 ;
L/RST -- 左/右前锋 SST -- 9号半

㈧ 请问足球位置这些fc aml fl Dmc mc mr amc fr dl ml dc dr mr这些缩写都是什么意思

FC:中锋 AML:左前卫 FL:左前锋 DMC:后腰(防守型中场) MC:中场

MR:右边前腰 AMC:前腰 FR:右前锋 DL:左边后卫 ML:左中场

DC:中后卫 DR:右边后卫 MR:右中场

㈨ DR在足球中是什么意思

right defender 即右后卫

ST 中锋抄
FC 前锋 FR 右边锋 FL 左边锋
AMC进攻袭型中场 AMR进攻型右前卫 AML进攻型左前卫
MC 中前卫 MR 右前卫 ML 左前卫
DC中后卫 DR 右后卫 DL 左后卫